Recordings of 2020 Festival talks
Most of the talks from our recent virtual Mayo Dark Sky Festival will shortly be available to watch again via our YouTube Channel
A talk will premiere every hour from 9am tomorrow, Saturday 19th December
The talks will premiere as follows: (all times are UTC/GMT time)
09:00 Michael Chambers A Journey through the Nephin Beg Mountains
10:00 Kate McAney The importance of dark skies for the Lesser Horseshoe Bat
11:00 Fred Watson & Marnie Ogg Noctis Australis
12:00 Terry Mosely Introducing OM Dark Sky Park and Observatory
13:00 Éanna ní Lamhna In conversation with Dara McAnulty
14:00 Clodagh Doyle Irish Halloween Traditions
15:00 Chasseurs de Nuits Nightscape Photography
16:00 Tyler Nordgren See the Milky Way, Science and Art in Astro-Activism
17:00 Kerem Asfuroglu The Vision
18:00 Niall Smith A Virtual Tour of the Night Sky
You can catch the premieres themselves (and even set yourself a reminder), or if it's more convenient, all talks will be available to view at any time AFTER their premiere
We hope you enjoy them!